Saturday 4 February 2023

BBB Bash Day IV - Leeds, 1 July 2023


The fourth Bloody Big Battles* BASH DAY will be held in Leeds on Saturday, 1 July. This is deliberately planned to be in conjunction with the Joy of Six** show run by Baccus in Sheffield on Sunday, 2 July. (Our thanks to Peter at Baccus for his kind blessing for this plan, and to Leeds Wargames Club*** for making their fine premises available.)

The format is entirely participation games based on historical battles and using the Bloody Big Battles (BBB) rules. For the best chance of playing the game that interests you most, please sign up in advance. However, we will do our best to accommodate walk-in participants on the day. For an idea of what to expect, see reports of Bash Day I, Bash Day II and Bash Day III.

Games offered will include Napoleonic, American Civil War, Franco-Prussian War, Sikh Wars, and other C18 or C19 conflicts. The intention is that players should be able to play an entire game in the morning and/or another entire game in the afternoon. A post-battle team curry is also on the agenda. I will try to keep the list here up to date. Planned games [updated per 15 May 2023] include:

- Napoleonic (Aspern-Essling and another 1813/1814 battle TBC)

- Second Sikh War (Gujrat)

- American Civil War (2nd Manassas and Chancellorsville)

- Austro-Prussian War (Kissingen - Bavarians vs Prussians)

- Franco-Prussian War (Sedan)

- Zulu War (Nyezane or Isandhlwana)

- and maybe a BBB Q&A/discussion session over lunch.

Invitations have been sent to our existing list of potential gamemasters, but we welcome proposals from others interested in running games at Bash Day IV.

Go on, treat yourself to a wargaming weekend in Yorkshire - come to BBB Bash Day IV and Joy of Six on 1-2 July!

Colin & Chris

Bleeding Big Bash Day Team

Contact us Colin on:

or by PM on Facebook, write a message on the bloody big battles io group (see below) or put a comment on this BBB or Colin the wargamer blog.


Eye Candy

Here are some pictures taken at previous bash days and of other BBB games. Thanks to Matt Bradley, Crispin Matson, Alan Millicheap, Chris Pringle and Colin Wilcock for their kind permission to use these.





*Bloody Big Battles


**Joy of Six announcement


***Leeds Wargames Club



OWS website


Practical information:

Venue address

Leeds Wargames Club - Hicks Hall, 60 Bankfield Terrace, Burley, Leeds LS4 2JR



Date – 1st  July 2023 - 09.00 - 17.00



It’s a residential area, so free, but there’s a lot of housing, so expect to spend a few minutes finding a space and walking to the club.


Tea & coffee will be provided but please bring your own lunch.


Other details will be added in due course – watch this space!





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