Tuesday 31 March 2020

JMH rates our Clausewitz 1796 book 'outstanding'

JMH, the Journal of Military History, is really the premier place to get a positive book review, and Professor Frederick Schneid has kindly provided one. Professor Schneid is a great authority on the wars of the French Revolution and the Napoleonic era, having published a number of books of his own on this topic.

We were therefore very happy to see his review of our translation of Clausewitz's history of Napoleon's 1796 Italian Campaign in JMH 84/2 (April 2020). He calls it:

'An outstanding example of smooth translating and erudite editing and annotation. Virtually every page contains textual footnotes to help an unfamiliar reader better understand the detail that Clausewitz's contemporary audience would have understood. [...] Murray & Pringle further provide the reader with current interpretation and detail that makes this particular Clausewitzian history more valuable than the original unexpurgated work.'

Our thanks to Professor Schneid for his kind review.


  1. Hi I just found this information and have ordered the 1796 book, however, you mention somw wargaming scenarios etc is there any way to get these.
    William Keyser
    wkeyser at aol dot com

    1. Hi William, apologies for delayed reply - only just saw your comment - and thanks very much for buying the book. I think I noticed you joining the BBB group on groups.io, so I hope you've found the 1796 scenarios by now, but in case you haven't, this is the link: https://groups.io/g/bloodybigbattles/files/1789-1815%20Napoleonic%20Wars/1796-1797%20Italian%20campaign


Comments welcome!