Wednesday 11 February 2015

Baptism of Fire: The Royal Hungarian Air Force and Slovak Air Force, March 1939

While I'm in the mode of recommending friends' books, here are some more. Hungarian military history is one of my particular enthusiasms. Through this I got to know Dr Csaba Stenge. Csaba has published a lot in Hungarian, but for the purpose of this blog I'll limit myself to mentioning a couple of his works in English. He has written this nice work about Hungarian tanks (currently unavailable, I believe):

But his real forte, the obsession to which he has dedicated a huge amount of time and effort, is the Royal Hungarian Air Force. He has personally known many of the RHAF's WWII veterans as friends, has acquired a fine collection of RHAF photos, logbooks, and other memorabilia, and is a (perhaps the?) leading expert on the RHAF.

An example of his work in English is this one, a beautifully thorough examination of a mostly forgotten corner of history:

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