Monday 14 September 2020

"exceptional, elegant and accessible, masterful, exciting, brilliantly executed, erudite, highly recommended!"

How's that for a string of superlatives? Not my words, but those of Dr Vanya Eftimova Bellinger and Dr Alexander Mikaberidze, extracted from their review comments on the forthcoming book prepared by Professor Nicholas Murray and myself: 

'Napoleon Absent, Coalition Ascendant: The 1799 Campaign in Italy and Switzerland, Volume 1'.

Dr Eftimova is Assistant Professor of Strategy at the USAF's Air University and author of a biography of Clausewitz's wife, Marie von Clausewitz: The woman behind the making of On War.

Dr Mikaberidze is Professor of History at Louisiana State University Shreveport and author of numerous books on the Napoleonic Wars, including most recently, The Napoleonic Wars: A global history.

I am delighted (and a little overwhelmed) that our work has received such generous praise from such authoritative commentators. I am grateful to Dr Eftimova and Dr Mikaberidze for their kind words.


  1. Do let us know when this will be avaialble.

    1. You can be sure I'll mention it when it comes out! It's been in press for a while (we supplied the index in July), so I see no reason why it should miss its scheduled publication date of December 2020. Nice Christmas present?


Comments welcome!