Vincent and his buddies in New York have been using BBB for ACW. He wrote a scenario for Bull Run aka 1st Manassas, which sounds like it resulted in a fun game. He's posted a really nice photo-report here:
I wrote the "Bloody Big Battles" rules in the first instance so that we could fight the major actions of the Franco-Prussian War and other continental conflicts. Apart from Gettysburg and a couple of the other biggest ACW actions, I haven't really touched ACW with BBB. Although an ACW scenario book is an obvious thing to do at some point, it would take a long time for me to do it myself, and isn't necessarily a priority for me. Given the amount of interest in BBB for ACW from players out there, I expect people will just create their own scenarios and maybe I won't need to!
Mainly devoted to the "Bloody Big BATTLES!" wargames rules (BBB): scenarios being developed or playtested; games played; figures and terrain; and also to any of my other (non-BBB) wargaming activities. BBB is published by SkirmishCampaigns, and is available from dealers such as: Brigade Games; On Military Matters; Caliver Books; North Star Figures; Tumbling Dice. For loads of good stuff related to BBB, check out the BBB group on
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