Wednesday, 19 March 2025

My 2025 gamefest

I had a real treat earlier this month: a 10-day holiday in the US gaming it up with a great group of friends. Such a fantastic time, I'm going to record it briefly here, primarily for my own benefit, to look back on happily in years to come. If you enjoy it too, my gracious reader, all the better.

The trip kicked off with us visiting the Cold Wars wargames convention in Gettysburg:

Pretty busy and well attended, considering the con was planned relatively late. Some nice games on show and a chance to catch up with a few guys I'd not seen in a while.

We followed that up with a couple of hours touring some of the Gettysburg battlefield: Seminary Ridge, Little Round Top, the highwater mark. You can't beat walking the actual ground for understanding a battle.

Then it was back to SkirmishCampaigns HQ for a wonderful week+. Because we had the luxury of time, we paced ourselves sensibly. Most days we just played one high-quality game at a leisurely pace so we could appreciate it to the full. That would be followed by a civilised dinner (including Glenda's famous military history quiz one evening), then a drinks and a movie and more drinks (but not too many).

The roster of games played included:

- WWII: Peleliu. Pacific scenario by Rob, using the Arc of Fire 2 rules that he and Scott have been developing (with some input from me). We fought this twice (one Jap win, one US).

- AWI: Freeman's Farm. Scenario by Scott using his mods for battalion-scale BBB.

- AWI: Lexington & Concord. Scenario by Rob (adapted from CWG) using Scott's mods. We played this twice - both games were tied!

- AWI: Bunker Hill. Scenario by Rob. Fought this one three times, with a different British plan of attack each time and some tweaks along the way. One US victory, one draw, one British win.

- WWII air: "When Pigs Fly". Italians vs Brits over Egypt. Check Your Six! rules. Scenario from CB Stevens's Falcon of the Duce campaign scenario book.

- WWII: The Death of Wittmann. Scenario by Sean, written for Fireball Forward, adapted for AOF2. We played this three times with some tweaks. First time, the Brits sprang their ambush too early and got wiped out. Second time, the Germans walked clumsily into a better-timed ambush and got wiped out. Third time, Germans used sensible reconnaissance and were able to fight through for a win.

- ACW: The Seven Days. My BBB scenario. Initial Confederate attack was devastating, but Nick managed to rally the Union and hold the line.

20 or so photos of the action:

Rob's lovely layout for Peleliu.

Marines hit the beach at Peleliu. 15mm figures painted by Rob.

K Company takes on the Japanese first line of defence.

Magnificent centerpiece: the main Japanese bunker.

Luckily, the USMC has flamethrowers! (Unluckily, mine did virtually no damage all game.)

Amtraks come to grief, easy prey for 47mm.

Morgan's Rifles at Freeman's Farm.

The Freeman's Farm battlefield.

Intense fighting at Freeman's Farm. Scott's 28mm figures.

British grenadiers at Freeman's Farm.

Bunker Hill. Terrain by Rob.

American militia await the British assault. Rob's 28mm figures.

The British are coming!

My layout for the Seven Days. This represents something like 15 miles x 10. Malvern Hill top left corner; Chickahominy river running through the middle. Confederates start from the top edge, with Jackson arriving from the righthand edge.

The Death of Wittmann: successful British ambush.

Not this time! The Panzerkeil escapes off the north board edge. Troops and terrain by Sean.

The Seven Days: Union line behind Beaver Dam Creek, in front of Gaines Mill.

Tough Union line in front of Fair Oaks.

Confederates approach, undaunted. Scott's 15mm figures.

Union right is driven back (top right), so McClellan counterattacks in the center directly towards Richmond (top left).

Game end: The Union holds the line north of White Oak Creek. Artillery protects the Glendale objective.

Impossible for these few words and pictures to convey just what a brilliant trip this was. Must do it again!


  1. Lexington and Concord? Drool... What rules? A scenario?

    1. Scott's AWI mods of BBB; Rob's adapted scenario. I'll let them know you're interested.

  2. Glad you had a positive experience. Bummer, though. I was thinking about attending Cold Wars, but decided not to. Wish I woulda' known you were going to be there. I might have made the trip just for nuisance value :)

    1. Yeah, I did mention it on FaceBook, but could have let more folks know and sooner. Maybe next time.

    2. It's all good--can't make the rounds of every platform (or post on all of them).


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